Monday, January 10, 2005


Greetings. My name is Daniel. I am a physical focus of the essence Delal, existing in a time frame you would call the middle ages. I am a Paladin: a champion fighter for the glory of justice and God.

Another essence of Delal, Michael Friedman, introduced me to this 'technology' and I find it a useful method of transcribing my thoughts and experiences to those of you in what I call the future. This "blog" is not about Michael, although the experiences of he and I, at their core, may be similar because we are of the same essence, or soul. We experience inner data in two vastly different ways, however: his through his time frame and beliefs, and mine through my time frame and beliefs.

There are other focuses of Delal. They may speak in the future if they wish. For now, I will simply begin.

I am in the mountains and it is cold. My horse is with me, carrying my burdens and simple necessities for travel. I am travelling alone from town to town, village to village to serve justice and the will of God. My justice is fair and keen. I can kill in the name of God or forgive in the name of God.

A fire is burning low, and a small rabbit is my meal tonight. The stars are out and the world around me is quiet. I do not have a King I serve nor anyone to whom I am responsible. I used to serve a King, but that relationship is no more. Perhaps I will speak of it someday. For now, suffice it to say I wander solely with God's direction.

My blade is a holy one, which I have named Giver. Provided by my father when I was younger, it sat for many years in a wooden chest at my bed foot until that fateful day when I heard the call of justice and doom. Of that I will not now speak.

I am quick to temper and yet infinitely patient and compassionate. I exact justice ruthlessly and yet with a keen solicitude. I am righteous, wrathful, and kind.

Tonight, for now, I am at peace. The simple quiet of living alone and traveling where I must to fulfill my destiny is water for my soul. I now shall sleep, to find God's will, and to wake to the next day and the path set before me.

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